GO GO term t-test diff reg ambient upreg high upreg GO:0006468 protein amino acid phosphorylation GO:0006468 GO:0006811 GO:0006820 GO:0006812 GO:0050953 sensory perception of light stimulus GO:0050953 GO:0015672 GO:0015698 GO:0006811 GO:0007601 visual perception GO:0007601 GO:0006812 GO:0006508 GO:0008285 GO:0030201 heparan sulfate proteoglycan metabolic process GO:0030201 GO:0015698 GO:0009057 GO:0018205 GO:0015012 heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process GO:0015012 GO:0006820 GO:0048870 GO:0006970 GO:0030163 protein catabolic process GO:0030163 GO:0030001 GO:0051674 GO:0015672 GO:0006811 ion transport GO:0034220 GO:0006811 GO:0034220 GO:0015672 monovalent inorganic cation transport GO:0015985 GO:0007391 GO:0055114 GO:0006812 cation transport GO:0022904 GO:0016477 GO:0030001 GO:0015698 inorganic anion transport GO:0015986 GO:0001700 GO:0009060 GO:0006820 anion transport GO:0006119 GO:0000387 GO:0007050 GO:0030001 metal ion transport GO:0055085 GO:0044265 GO:0046034 GO:0034220 ion transmembrane transport GO:0006508 GO:0009968 GO:0055085 GO:0015985 "energy coupled proton transport, down electrochemical gradient" GO:0043583 GO:0010648 GO:0022904 GO:0022904 respiratory electron transport chain GO:0032147 GO:0006813 GO:0015986 GO:0015986 ATP synthesis coupled proton transport GO:0048870 GO:0042067 GO:0015985 GO:0006119 oxidative phosphorylation GO:0051674 GO:0009791 GO:0045333 GO:0055085 transmembrane transport GO:0042773 GO:0006928 GO:0006754 GO:0006508 proteolysis GO:0009057 GO:0030163 GO:0015992 GO:0043583 ear development GO:0016477 GO:0048565 GO:0006818 GO:0032147 activation of protein kinase activity GO:0009260 GO:0048568 GO:0006972 GO:0048870 cell motility GO:0010648 GO:0032147 GO:0042773 GO:0051674 localization of cell GO:0009968 GO:0030534 GO:0009199 GO:0042773 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport GO:0048568 GO:0050953 GO:0009205 GO:0009057 macromolecule catabolic process GO:0006818 GO:0007601 GO:0009144 GO:0016477 cell migration GO:0015992 GO:0015672 GO:0009141 GO:0009260 ribonucleotide biosynthetic process GO:0044271 GO:0000578 GO:0006814 GO:0010648 negative regulation of cell communication GO:0016310 GO:0035162 GO:0009206 GO:0009968 negative regulation of signal transduction GO:0045333 GO:0006090 GO:0009142 GO:0048568 embryonic organ development GO:0009152 GO:0048598 GO:0009201 GO:0006818 hydrogen transport GO:0008285 GO:0048729 GO:0009145 GO:0015992 proton transport GO:0050953 GO:0016318 GO:0045596 GO:0044271 nitrogen compound biosynthetic process GO:0007601 GO:0007314 GO:0032411 GO:0016310 phosphorylation GO:0009206 GO:0006821 GO:0031330 GO:0045333 cellular respiration GO:0009201 GO:0008344 GO:0000212 GO:0009152 purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process GO:0009145 GO:0033554 GO:0009152 GO:0008285 negative regulation of cell proliferation GO:0009142 GO:0044257 GO:0044092 GO:0009206 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process GO:0007098 GO:0051603 GO:0006119 GO:0009201 ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process GO:0030718 GO:0048569 GO:0009150 GO:0009145 purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process GO:0000387 GO:0009792 GO:0030705 GO:0009142 nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process GO:0007062 GO:0009259 GO:0007098 centrosome cycle GO:0007391 GO:0006164 GO:0030718 germ-line stem cell maintenance GO:0034329 GO:0009260 GO:0000387 spliceosomal snRNP biogenesis GO:0048839 GO:0019725 GO:0007062 sister chromatid cohesion GO:0048598 GO:0006884 GO:0007391 dorsal closure GO:0009165 GO:0009651 GO:0034329 cell junction assembly GO:0007398 GO:0031329 GO:0048839 inner ear development GO:0008544 GO:0006163 GO:0048598 embryonic morphogenesis GO:0006164 GO:0015980 GO:0009165 nucleotide biosynthetic process GO:0006970 GO:0044271 GO:0007398 ectoderm development GO:0048863 GO:0043523 GO:0008544 epidermis development GO:0019827 GO:0034404 GO:0006164 purine nucleotide biosynthetic process GO:0048864 GO:0034654 GO:0006970 response to osmotic stress GO:0043467 GO:0042127 GO:0048863 stem cell differentiation GO:0018205 GO:0006897 GO:0019827 stem cell maintenance GO:0031532 GO:0010324 GO:0048864 stem cell development GO:0034654 GO:0048839 GO:0043467 regulation of generation of precursor metabolites and energy GO:0034404 GO:0009895 GO:0018205 peptidyl-lysine modification GO:0006754 GO:0043393 GO:0031532 actin cytoskeleton reorganization GO:0008344 GO:0032409 GO:0034654 "nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process" GO:0042472 GO:0034404 "nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process" GO:0042471 GO:0006754 ATP biosynthetic process GO:0007626 GO:0008344 adult locomotory behavior GO:0042472 inner ear morphogenesis GO:0042471 ear morphogenesis GO:0007626 locomotory behavior GO:0001700 embryonic development via the syncytial blastoderm GO:0044265 cellular macromolecule catabolic process GO:0006813 potassium ion transport GO:0042067 establishment of ommatidial polarity GO:0009791 post-embryonic development GO:0006928 cell motion GO:0048565 gut development GO:0030534 adult behavior GO:0000578 embryonic axis specification GO:0035162 embryonic hemopoiesis GO:0006090 pyruvate metabolic process GO:0048729 tissue morphogenesis GO:0016318 ommatidial rotation GO:0007314 oocyte anterior/posterior axis specification GO:0006821 chloride transport GO:0033554 cellular response to stress GO:0044257 cellular protein catabolic process GO:0051603 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process GO:0048569 post-embryonic organ development GO:0009792 embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching GO:0055114 oxidation reduction GO:0009060 aerobic respiration GO:0007050 cell cycle arrest GO:0046034 ATP metabolic process GO:0006972 hyperosmotic response GO:0009199 ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process GO:0009205 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process GO:0009144 purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process GO:0009141 nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process GO:0006814 sodium ion transport GO:0045596 negative regulation of cell differentiation GO:0032411 positive regulation of transporter activity GO:0031330 negative regulation of cellular catabolic process GO:0000212 meiotic spindle organization GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function GO:0009150 purine ribonucleotide metabolic process GO:0030705 cytoskeleton-dependent intracellular transport GO:0009259 ribonucleotide metabolic process GO:0019725 cellular homeostasis GO:0006884 cell volume homeostasis GO:0009651 response to salt stress GO:0031329 regulation of cellular catabolic process GO:0006163 purine nucleotide metabolic process GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds GO:0043523 regulation of neuron apoptosis GO:0042127 regulation of cell proliferation GO:0006897 endocytosis GO:0010324 membrane invagination GO:0009895 negative regulation of catabolic process GO:0043393 regulation of protein binding GO:0032409 regulation of transporter activity